Event Information
This show has reached capacity, and any new entries will be placed on a waiting list. Contact the TOP office for recommendations on other show locations that may still have openings.
Each show is scheduled independently based on the number of acts and how those acts break down among solos, duet/trios and groups. There is no such thing as a “standard” schedule. It is therefore virtually impossible to even guess when any act or group of acts will perform prior to schedule posting. It is also generally very difficult to accommodate individual schedule requests given that multiple such requests almost always conflict with one another. Also, making assumptions about the schedule based on a prior year’s schedule is not recommended. A general schedule will be posted here immediately as it becomes available. Immediately thereafter a specific schedule with individual performance times for each act will be emailed to each studio.
Uploading your performance music is required and you are strongly encouraged to do so at the same time you enter your acts. Look for the “Upload Music” button on your DanceComp Genie dashboard. Click on that button, attach each of your music files where indicated and you will be good to go! Keep the following in mind as you upload: Acceptable file types are .mp3 and .m4a. We can no longer accept .wav files due to their larger size. If you are unfamiliar with audio file types seek the assistance of most any teenager. File names can include any information you want because the DanceComp Genie system will automatically re-name the files as needed during the upload process. You can also listen to what has been uploaded, but only on a PC (not Mac) running the Google Chrome browser. Note also that you can change out any music that has already been uploaded by uploading music for any specific act again. Every time you upload a new music file for an act it will automatically override any file that was previously uploaded for that act (but only up until the time file uploads have been “frozen” for the show you will be attending, which is typically a few days before the first day of the show). Email any questions or problems to office@talentonparade.com and we’ll be happy to help.
New for the 2025 season: We are now offering the option for up to 2 minutes of extended performance time to Large Groups, Lines and Productions only. Extended time fees are $3 per 30 seconds per dancer in the act(s) the extended time is requested for. Points will be deduced for unpaid overtime acts per the rules and regulations. Extended time acts will also be deducted if extended time purchase is exceeded.
Be aware that this season we will also be monitoring prop set up/removal times closely. Any act which exceeds the 2-minute consolidated time limit (3 consolidated minutes for productions) will be automatically deducted by a full point, UNLESS you have purchased the new optional prop “insurance” which will provide up to an additional 3 minutes of consolidated set up/removal for that act. Prop insurance is available for Group acts only and must be purchased ($75 per act) in advance, prior to the start of the show. Any “insured” act that exceeds 5 consolidated minutes (6 consolidated minutes for productions) in prop set up/removal time will receive an automatic full point deduction anyway.
Beginning this season, a 3% fee will be automatically added to all credit/debit card transactions. Avoid this fee by submitting a certified check instead (cashier’s check or money order) to Talent On Parade, 137 Pirner #5, Haysville, KS 67060. Be sure to obtain tracking information in case delivery is delayed. Studio or personal checks NOT accepted. Email us at office@talentonparade.com for assistance.
Our original host hotel, Spark by Hilton, has just recently experienced a tragic explosion and fire that has caused it’s closing. Anyone with prior reservations should seek alternate accommodations immediately. Please understand that this situation is completely outside of our control and has forced us to seek alternate accommodations for our staff as well. We encourage you to (re)start your search via our partnership with Lucid Travel (click here for link). Email TOP at office@talentonparade.com with any questions.